6 responses to “★ Golden Clown ★

  1. LOL, I thought it was some divine beauty from the southern countries like from Mexico or so. A goddess they worshipped there during carnavals. Guess the gold threw me off as it gives it all such a cheery feeling like with carnaval. Just as the bow and the pinkinsh colour you added. It feels like such a cheery pierrot then, instead f the sad one we usually get. So very cool idea. Maybe you’ll start a new trent! Happy pierrots!


    • hahaha cheers!! i’m not really sure what it is… lol maybe some kind of goddess clown XD, a happy pierrot… i do see some sort of smile on that face… ;D but there definitely is a little carnival vibe going on …
      all hail new trends!!!!! 😀

      • LOL, I like the idea of a goddess clown. And there may be a smile on the face but there is also the tear so perhaps it is a mixture of a carnaval goddess with a pierot. Their love child!


      • ooo there def is!! maybe she’s keeping the balance!! can’t have one without the other!!
        hahahaha lolz!! that’s how this being was born lol !!

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